See full publication list on Google Scholar or ORCiD
- Voet, L. J., Prashanth, P., Speth, R. L., Sabnis, J. S., Tan, C. S., & Barrett, S. R. (2023). Automatic Continuous Thrust Control for Supersonic Transport Takeoff Noise Reduction. Journal of Aircraft, 1-16.
- Prashanth, P., Voet, L. J., Speth, R. L., Sabnis, J. S., Tan, C. S., & Barrett, S. R. (2023). Impact of design constraints on noise and emissions of derivative supersonic engines. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 39(3), 454-463.
- Prashanth, P., Eastham, S. D., Speth, R. L. & Barrett, S. R. H. Aerosol formation pathways from aviation emissions. Environmental Research Communications vol. 4 021002 (2022).
- Miller, C. J., Prashanth, P., Allroggen, F., Grobler, C., Sabnis, J. S., Speth, R. L., & Barrett, S. R. (2022). An environmental cost basis for regulating aviation NOx emissions. Environmental Research Communications, 4(5), 055002. 10.1088/2515-7620/ac6938
- Voet, L. J., Prakash, P., Speth, R. L., Sabnis, J. S., Tan, C. S., & Barrett, S. R. (2022). Sensitivities of Aircraft Acoustic Metrics to Engine Design Variables for Multidisciplinary Optimization. AIAA Journal60(8), 4764-4774.
- Eastham, S. D., Fritz, T., Sanz-Morère, I., Prashanth, P., Allroggen, F., Prinn, R. G., … & Barrett, S. R. (2022). Impacts of a near-future supersonic aircraft fleet on atmospheric composition and climate. Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 2(3), 388-403.
- Prashanth, P., Speth, R. L., Eastham, S. D., Sabnis, J. S. & Barrett, S. R. H. Post-combustion emissions control in aero-gas turbine engines. Energy & Environmental Science vol. 14 916–930 (2021).